Justice Not Greed by Kirk Hunt
‘Thus says the Lord God: “Enough, O princes of Israel! Remove violence and plundering, execute justice and righteousness, and stop dispossessing My people,” says the Lord God.
Ezekiel 45:9 NKJV
It is easy to question the justice of ancient Israel’s leaders. Their error and injustice is recorded in Scripture. What about leaders, including you, in the modern era? Do you seek justice in the here and now?
“Enough.” The princes had a lot, but insisted on cheating to get more. The poor and disadvantaged were victims and targets. The rich and privileged, insisted on lying and cheating to get more. Maybe you have seen or heard of similar circumstances in recent history?
Injustice is almost always preceded by lust. Greed is simply the money-focused version of lust. Be content with what you have, or at least be content to pursue more without cheating.
God does not forbid His people from having and acquiring. In fact, Jesus said that He came to give us abundant life. Still, wealth and advancement does not have to come at the unfair expense of those around you.
Pursue God. He will add everything else to you. His blessings never flow from swindling or oppressing someone else. Do your part in righteousness and He will bless you more than you think or imagine.
You can win, acquire and live in the big house on the hill. Just be sure you can face God with a clean record and unstained hands. It may take a little longer, but His approval is worth the longer route.
Think: Do I pursue justice through my own life and leadership?
Pray: “Lord, help me to be an example of Your truth and justice.”
Copyright © February 2025, Kirk Hunt
This devotional is a ministry of CadreMen Press.