Be Still And Know

Be Still And Know by Kirk Hunt

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10 NKJV

Be still and know that God is God. A simple command. You would think I could obey it more easily.

Too often, I look at all the injustices that seem unchecked. I despair that all of the villains and scoundrels are not just getting away with it, but are prospering. I am looking at the wrong things.

God is God. He is holy. He is just. Thankfully, he does not immediately judge me for every infraction.

In the end, He will be exalted. All of the nations and jurisdictions will know that He is in charge. In the meantime, my job is to quietly know.

He is God. No matter what the world does, that fact will not change. When I forget He is my source, I am suddenly without consolation or assurance.  When I stop and contemplate God, I am better for the time spent.


Too often, I rush about my day and ignore Him. I am too frequently absorbed by my day and tasks, instead of His Word and presence. His peace and assurance will grow only in His presence. I have to stop and be still and let His presence provide all the answers.

Think: Am I quietly focused on God, or noisily rushing around?

Pray: “Father-God, help me to live quietly focused on You alone.

Copyright © September 2023, Kirk Hunt

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