Father-God, is there an escape clause?

“If It Is Your Will?”

“If It Is Your Will?” By Kirk Hunt

And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Luke 22:41–42 NKJV

The enormity of His coming trial and execution fell heavy on Jesus. Alone, He appealed to God, the only One who could change the course of events. “If it is Your will,” proves that Jesus went humbly and obediently to the Cross.

Too often we expect men and women to face the worst of life with a beatific expression and wise words of faith and encouragement for others. Instead, when the worst of circumstances decent on us, we can do what Jesus did. He went to God, and asked to be excused.

“If it is Your will” is the request of a faithful and obedient son or daughter who knows (or suspects) just how difficult events are going to get. A real saint, with Real Faith™, will follow God’s path, no matter where it goes. Still, in humility and obedience, we are allowed to ask our loving Father-God if there is another way.

Maybe there is a different way to fulfill God’s will. Perhaps, as with Jesus, events unfold as we knew they would. It is okay to ask in either case.

Jesus went to the Cross and bought our salvation with His perfect sacrifice. As you face your place in His will, be strong in your faith and obedience. And your prayer for a different path may draw an angelic encourager to stay the course.

Think: God’s will is not always easy, even though it is always best.

Pray: “Lord, I will follow Your will. Help me have the strength to stay Your course.”


Copyright © October 2017, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

2 thoughts on ““If It Is Your Will?””

  1. On many occasions I have drawn strength and timely perspective from your devotionals, Kirk. I’m glad I could subscribe so I can receive future encouragement. Blessings, Bill S.

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