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Grow Good Not Weary

Grow Good Not Weary by Kirk Hunt

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Galatians 6:9 NKJV
Please read also, Galatians 1:7-10

Doing good costs time, money, and effort. There is always the risk that you may grow weary in your efforts. Stay with it until your harvest arrives.

Weary is not just a reference to the physical body. A mind can grow weary also. A heart can become tired of the exertion.

Scripture promises you will reap a harvest. But you have to stay the course. Good things come to those who continue to work while they wait.

It is too easy to become discouraged when it seems you are always giving and never getting. Guard your emotions. Protect your mind. The enemy of your soul is not above a cheap shot.

There are souls and lives hanging in the balance. Your work makes it better today, tomorrow, and for seasons to come. Men and women, boys and girls, need you to stay with it.

They may never know your name. You may not meet them before heaven. Still, they need you to grow good, right where you are.

Creating good outcomes is hard work. You must invest attention, resources, and a caring heart. If it was easy, everyone would.

Think: God promised that my good work will create a harvest one day.

Pray: “Father-God, help me to grow good and not weary.

Copyright © October 2023, Kirk Hunt

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