“Fresh Mercy, New Faithfulness” By Kirk Hunt
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV
Good morning. Welcome to a new year. Also, welcome to a fresh edition of God’s mercy.
Perhaps last year was not your best. Even if you feel convicted, you are not condemned. Take a generous portion of His mercy and begin again.
You may have done well last year. Praise God for your faithfulness. Still, you cannot rest on past accomplishments. Move, in His mercy, to your next assignment and task.
His compassion for His people never runs out. He understands our weak spots. Our quirks are not a surprise to Him. He only asks that we faithfully share His compassion and mercy with others.
This New Year is an occasion to begin again, or correct course. Faithfully, God has given us a fresh opportunity to work in His Kingdom. Use this choice benefit to its fullest.
Learn, of course, from past errors but otherwise put all your effort into future work. God has preserved and protected you. Not just for your sake, but for those you will bless and benefit.
The dawn signals a new day. The New Year is more than the passage of time. It is an opportunity to be blessed and bless others.
Think: New mercy and fresh compassion allow God’s people to work and bless others.
Pray: “Lord, help me to share Your mercy and compassion with others.”
Copyright © January 2016, Kirk Hunt
This devotional is a ministry of http://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.