A Sound From Heaven

A Sound From Heaven by Kirk Hunt

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Acts 2:2 NKJV

The gruesome execution of their leader had crushed them. In the bleakest of dark days they clung desperately to each other, afraid to leave and terrified to stay. Yet even death could not hold their Messiah. Jesus returned from the grave and completed His promise of hope and power. On Pentecost Sunday, a sound from heaven delivered Jesus’ promise, just as He said.

To the untrained eye, it appeared that the High Priest and his cronies had won. They thought they had killed the troublesome backwoods preacher who dared to disrupt their careful schemes. Instead, Jesus was resurrected from the dead, fulfilling all of the law and prophets.

Perhaps something has gone wrong in your world. To the untrained eye, it looks like the villains are the victors and God’s people have been beaten for the final time. Keep your hope and stay on His path. After a few days, you will hear the sound of victory from heaven.

The Holy Spirit gives you the power to live the Christian life. God’s power and presence, dwelling within you, gives you the ability to live in victory through any circumstance. Do not be confused by the difficult days. A sound from heaven is on its way.

Study His Word. Continue to pray. Work hard at your mission. His final victory will arrive like a hurricane.

Think: I will hope and trust in Jesus, knowing I will hear a sound from heaven.

Pray: “Lord, help me to wait patiently for my Pentecost sound.


Copyright © June 2019, Kirk Hunt

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