“Love One Another” By Kirk Hunt
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4:11 NKJV
“Love one another.” Too often, even God’s people make it more complicated than it needs to be. Care for each other. Make sure folk have enough. Inconvenience yourself (if a little) for someone struggling just to survive.
John did not invent this commandment on his own. Jesus Himself ordered us (see John 13:34) to love one another. After telling us to care for, minister to and support others, Jesus did not fold His hands. Instead He went to the Garden of Gethsemane and started His walk to the Cross.
Out of care for our future, Jesus endured His trial by Pilate. Because of His concern for men, then and now, Jesus allowed His public scourging. Out of love for generations yet to be born, Jesus died on the Cross. Perhaps you could pay just a little bit more for those who have little or nothing?
Will some of the folks you care for only take advantage? Probably. Will some of the people you love reply with hate or disdain? Again, probably. Does Jesus’ command to His faithful disciples stand? Absolutely.
Love gives. It also creates opportunities. Men and women, boys and girls, are drawn to authentic love. That positive attraction gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel.
It will cost you something to show love to others. Someone, somewhere, will find a way to exploit, mishandle or ill-use what you give. However they respond, His command to you remains clear. Are you obedient to His Word?
Think: Real love requires action and pays costs.
Pray: “Lord, show me how to love others as You do.”
Copyright © March 2017, Kirk Hunt
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