“Worship Anyway” By Kirk Hunt
And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head.
Mark 14:3 NKJV
Please read one (or all) of the Gospel accounts:
Matthew 26: 6–13; Mark 14: 3–9; Luke 7: 36–50; John 12: 1–8.
Even today, an alabaster box (for perfume) is costly and uncommon. Spikenard, which grows only in the Himalayas of Nepal, remains rare and expensive. Mary spent over a year’s wages to worship.
The whispering Pharisees used her past to slander Jesus. Jesus’ Disciples complained about the “wasteful” expression of her worship. Given a say, it appears that Pharisee and Disciple would have denied her the opportunity to worship. Despite them, or their intentions, Mary worshiped anyway.
The Bible does not confirm that Mary was a prostitute. Scripture states she had been demon-possessed and a notorious sinner. Mary did not let her past, or the murmuring busybodies, keep her from Jesus.
You have an opportunity to worship today. Will you pay the price? Will you walk past your history or circumstances and worship God? Are you willing to ignore the whispers from without, or within, to worship Jesus?
Whatever it costs, He is worthy. No matter what others do or say, Jesus is available to you. No matter what has happened before, He waits for you.
The voices are noise and distraction. If you want to, you can worship. Everything else is just details.
Think: I can worship Jesus, if I am determined.
Pray: “Lord, I worship You, because You are worthy.”
Copyright © June 2016, Kirk Hunt
This devotional is a ministry of http://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.